Basic To Intermediate level programs in C C is the basic, general-purpose programming language. C language is the best choice to learn programming for beginners. Coder Insect will guide you in this learning journey. The best way to learn programming is by practicing different examples by your own . Here, we have included basic to intermediate level programs like Fibonacci series, Palindrome number, Armstrong number, strong number, Perfect number, Prime number, Decimal to binary, Decimal to octal, Binary code to gray code, Happy number, Neon number , Krishnamurthy Number , IP address program, program to add complex numbers and many other programs in C programming language. 1 . Prime Number Program In C In this example , you will learn a program to check whether a given number is prime number or not. Prime number is greater than 1 and can be only divided by 1 and itself, is called a prime number. In short, Prime numbers can't be divided by other n...